Title: Time heals Word Count: 100 x 2 Rating: PG, T Challenge #580 - No Regrets Characters: Lester Warnings: None Spoilers: None Disclaimer: Primeval - Not mine, No money made, Wish they would be making more…
Title: Reality bites… Word Count: 100 Rating: PG, T Challenge #579 - The Jurassic Characters: Connor Warnings: None Spoilers: None Disclaimer: Primeval - Not mine, No money made, Wish they would be making more…
Title: Nesting Word Count: 100 Rating: PG, T Challenge #578 - Stolen Goods Characters: Lester, Connor, Sid & Nancy Warnings: None Spoilers: None Disclaimer: Primeval - Not mine, No money made, Wish they would be making more…
Title: Lifelike Special Effects Word Count: 100 Rating: PG, T Challenge #577 - Kings and Queens Characters: Jess, Lester, Connor Warnings: None Spoilers: None Disclaimer: Primeval - Not mine, No money made, Wish they would be making more…
Title: Decisions Word Count: 100 Rating: PG, T Challenge # 576 - Heads or Tails Characters: SAS Team Warnings: None Spoilers: None Disclaimer: Primeval - Not mine, No money made, Wish they would be making more…
Title: A Hot Mess Word Count: 100 Rating: PG, T Challenge # 575 - Too Hot to Handle Characters: Becker, Connor Warnings: None Spoilers: None Disclaimer: Primeval - Not mine, No money made, Wish they would be making more…
Title: Stone Soup Word Count: 100 Rating: PG, T Challenge # 574 - Too Many Cooks Characters: Abby / Connor Warnings: None Spoilers: None Disclaimer: Primeval - Not mine, No money made, Wish they would be making more…
Title: Sufficient Word Count: 100 Rating: PG, T Challenge # 573 - Hungry Characters: Abby / Connor Warnings: None Spoilers: None Disclaimer: Primeval - Not mine, No money made, Wish they would be making more…
Title: Once Bitten, Twice Shy Word Count: 100 Rating: PG, T Challenge # 572 - Bitten Characters: Abby / Connor Warnings: None Spoilers: None Disclaimer: Primeval - Not mine, No money made, Wish they would be making more…